A Logistic Tech, Business Services & Software, E-commerce & Marketplaces, ICT & Mobile startup included in the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub

Una plataforma de tecnologia per al sector del transport per carretera, creada per optimitzar la gestió de flotes i millorar l'experiència dels conductors de camions. Amb el seu assistent virtual per veu multilingüe, Gandolapp permet als conductors accedir a informació essencial de manera segura mentre condueixen, com l'estat del trànsit, la previsió meteorològica o recomanacions en ruta. La nostra solució també ofereix funcionalitats avançades de seguiment i traçabilitat en temps real.
Industries & Technologies
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Other startups near startup GANDOLAPP: NEVER DRIVE ALONE
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- Healthtech
- Business Services & Software
- Digital Content & Media
- E-commerce & Marketplaces
- Gaming
- ICT & Mobile
- Logistic Tech
- Simulation & Digital Twins
- AI & Big Data
- IoT & Sensors
- Automation
- Urban Mining
- Smart City
- E-commerce
- Industry 4.0
- Smart Cities

- Agriculture
- Business Services & Software
- Digital Content & Media
- Food
- Green & Energytech
- ICT & Mobile
- Logistic Tech
- Immersive technologies & digital entertainment
- Simulation & Digital Twins
- AI & Big Data
- IoT & Sensors
- Cybersecurity
- Cloud & Edge Computing
- Connectivity
- Automation
- E-commerce
- Digital Assets
- Industry 4.0

- Agriculture
- Healthtech
- Business Services & Software
- Digital Content & Media
- Green & Energytech
- Hardware
- ICT & Mobile
- Logistic Tech
- Sustainable mobility
- Proptech
- Traveltech & Leisure
- Robotics & Collaborative Robotics
- AI & Big Data
- IoT & Sensors
- Cybersecurity
- Cloud & Edge Computing
- Connectivity
- DLT/Blockchain
- Frontier materials
- Automation
- Digital Health
- Electric Vehicle & Micromobility
- Connected & Autonomous Vehicle
- Micro & Nano electronics
- Foodtech
- Drones
- New Space
- Fintech & Insurtech
- Energy Harvesting
- Smart Building
- Smart City
- Agritech
- POCT (Point of Care Testing)
- Medical devices
- E-commerce
- Industry 4.0
- Smart Cities
Collaborators of Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.
We teamed up with business associations, universities and startup incubators to create the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.