A Edtech startup included in the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub

LEVELABTECH. Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub


Carrer de Ferran Junoy 6 08030 Barcelona

To develop and distribute our technology to enable online hands-on sessions to higher-eduaction institutions business schools and education platforms.

Industries & Technologies

Industries: Edtech
Technologies: Cloud & Edge Computing
Other fields: -

Financial data

Funding stage:
Founded: 2022

Other information

Business model: Saas
Target: Business
Spinoff participants: None / Not a spinoff

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The Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.

It is a Catalan Government project offering updated information on the Catalan startup ecosystem; gathering and consolidating data from internal databases as well as other local and international sources.

Collaborators of Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.

We teamed up with business associations, universities and startup incubators to create the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.