A E-commerce & Marketplaces startup included in the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub

DIABIFY. Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub


Carrer Zamora 45, 1, 1 08005 Barcelona

B2C eCommerce for people diagnosed with diabetes or who have risk factors for developing it (type 1, type 2 or any other type). Products are offered from food (mainly low in carbohydrates) to technologies that allow the control and monitoring of glucose such as smartwatches that, together with the glucose sensors widely used among this group, allow constant control of blood glucose levels.

Industries & Technologies

Industries: E-commerce & Marketplaces
Technologies: AI & Big Data
Other fields: -

Financial data

Funding stage:
Founded: 2022

Other information

Business model: Ecommerce & Trade
Target: Consumer
Spinoff participants: None / Not a spinoff

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The Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.

It is a Catalan Government project offering updated information on the Catalan startup ecosystem; gathering and consolidating data from internal databases as well as other local and international sources.

Collaborators of Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.

We teamed up with business associations, universities and startup incubators to create the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.