A Beauty & Personal care startup included in the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub

ERGONOMIKA. Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub


Carrer Paris 43 08029 Barcelona

We create healthy office spaces by providing ergonomic furniture and education. We sell and teach the use of the best ergonomic chairs and office furniture for all types of businesses. Additionally, we offer wellness corners with a subscription model. These corners are designated spaces where employees or clients can take a short break and rejuvenate their bodies using a combination of the products we distribute.

Industries & Technologies

Industries: Beauty & Personal care
Technologies: E-commerce
Other fields: -

Financial data

Funding stage:
Founded: 2019

Other information

Business model: Development & Manufacturing, Ecommerce & Trade
Target: Business, Consumer
Spinoff participants: None / Not a spinoff

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The Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.

It is a Catalan Government project offering updated information on the Catalan startup ecosystem; gathering and consolidating data from internal databases as well as other local and international sources.

Collaborators of Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.

We teamed up with business associations, universities and startup incubators to create the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub.